React 19 2024: Explore the Latest Updates with Code Examples

React 19 Update

React has been a cornerstone in the JavaScript ecosystem for building dynamic and efficient user interfaces. With the upcoming release of React 19, developers can expect a plethora of new features and improvements that enhance both performance and developer experience. This blog will cover an overview of React 18.2.0, the introduction of React 19, its new features, how to update from an older version, and conclude with the overall benefits of these updates in
web development.

React 18.2.0 Version Overview

Before diving into the new features of React 19, let's recap what React 18.2.0 brought to the table. Released on June 14, 2022, react 18.2.0 was a significant milestone that introduced several performance improvements and new features like automatic batching, which helped optimize rendering and improve UI responsiveness.


Introduction of Version React 19

React 19, slated for a full release in 2024, builds upon the solid foundation of React 18.2.0 and introduces groundbreaking features aimed at further enhancing developer productivity and application performance. Key Highlights of React 19:

React Compiler: Converts React code to plain JavaScript, significantly boosting startup performance.

Server Components: Allows for more efficient server-side rendering, reducing the amount of JavaScript sent to the client.

New Hooks: Several new hooks, including useActionState and useOptimistic, which streamline state management and asynchronous operations.

Enhanced Asset Loading: Asynchronous loading of assets like images and stylesheets to improve page load times and user experience.


New Features in React 19


React Compiler

The new React Compiler is a game-changer, transforming React code into highly optimized JavaScript. This reduces the load time and enhances performance by allowing the browser to execute the code more efficiently.

javascriptCopy code// Example: Optimized Component with React Compilerfunction MyComponent()


Hello, World!

}// Compiled to optimized JavaScript by React Compiler


Server Components

Server Components enable developers to run components on the server, fetching data and rendering HTML before sending it to the client. This minimizes the JavaScript required on the client side, improving load times and performance.

javascriptCopy code// Example: Server Component"use server";export async function getData() {

  const res = await fetch('');

  return res.json();



New Hooks


Manages the state of asynchronous actions more intuitively, handling errors and pending states efficiently.

javascriptCopy codeconst [state, submitAction, isPending, error] = useActionState(

  async (prevState, formData) => {

    // Async operationreturn await updateEmail(formData.get("email"));







Provides optimistic UI updates, immediately reflecting changes while awaiting server confirmation.

javascriptCopy codeconst [optimisticState, setOptimisticState] = useOptimistic(actualState);


Enhanced Asset Loading

React 19 improves asset loading by asynchronously loading images, stylesheets, and scripts in the background. This reduces initial load times and eliminates flickering of unstyled content.

javascriptCopy code// Example: Background Asset Loadingfunction MyComponent() {

  return (





ref as a Prop

Starting with React 19, you can pass ref as a prop to function components, simplifying component interactions.

javascriptCopy codefunction MyInput({ placeholder, ref }) {

  return ;



How to Update to React 19

Updating to React 19 involves several steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s a detailed guide on how to update your project to React 19:



Step 1: Check the Release Notes

Before you start, it’s crucial to read through the React 19 release notes to understand the new features, improvements, and breaking changes. This will help you plan your update process.

Step 2: Update Dependencies

  1. 2.  Update React and React DOM: Update you react and react-dom dependencies in your package.json file.



  "dependencies": {

    "react": "^19.0.0",

    "react-dom": "^19.0.0"




Alternatively, you can run:


npm install react@latest react-dom@latest


2.2 Update Other Dependencies: Ensure that other dependencies like react-router, redux, and any libraries that integrate with React are compatible with React 19. Check their respective documentation for compatibility updates.


Step 3: Handle Deprecated APIs and Breaking Changes

Review the deprecated APIs and breaking changes listed in the React 19 release notes. Refactor your code to replace deprecated methods and resolve breaking changes.


Step 4: Update Your Codebase

4.1 Functional Components and Hooks: If you haven’t already, consider refactoring class components to functional components and use React hooks for state management and side effects. React 19 may have enhanced support for hooks.


// Before (Class Component)

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

  state = { count: 0 };


  increment = () => {

    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });



  render() {

    return ;




// After (Functional Component with Hook)

function MyComponent() {

  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);


  return ;


4.2 Concurrent Features: React 19 may introduce or enhance concurrent features like Suspense and Concurrent Mode. Consider integrating these features to improve your app's performance.


import { Suspense } from 'react';


function MyComponent() {

  return (








Step 5: Testing

5.1 Run Unit Tests: Ensure that all existing unit tests pass. Update tests if necessary to align with any API changes in React 19.


npm test


5.2 ntegration Tests: Run integration tests to ensure that the entire application works as expected after the update.

5.3 Manual Testing: Perform manual testing of critical application flows to catch any issues that automated tests might miss.


Step 6: Optimize Performance

React 19 may include performance improvements. Use tools like React DevTools and Lighthouse to profile and optimize your application.


Step 7: Deployment

After thorough testing, deploy your application to staging and, if everything works as expected, proceed to production.

Example Update Steps

1Update Dependencies:


npm install react@latest react-dom@latest


2.       Refactor Code:



// Replace component lifecycle methods with hooks

useEffect(() => {

  // componentDidMount logic

  return () => {

    // componentWillUnmount logic


}, []);


3.       Test and Optimize: 


npm test

npm run build


4.       Deploy: 


npm run deploy



React 19 brings a host of exciting new features and improvements that make it a compelling upgrade for developers in web development trends. From the powerful React Compiler to the efficient Server Components and new hooks, react 19 is designed to enhance performance and developer experience significantly. By following the upgrade steps, you can smoothly transition your existing projects to leverage these advancements and build more robust, responsive applications.